Benefit from our expertise in the special field of individual reinforcement materials.
As an owner-managed company, we are flexible and fast. Individual special requests are our hobbyhorse.
Good advice, quality and reliability - whether in meeting deadlines or in pricing - are our principles.
Both together make up our success. The satisfaction of our customers is the measure of this.
GURIT-Worbla/Siegburg merges into RHENOFLEX. From now on, C. Krämer and Rhenoflex cooperate directly and thus even more closely. For faster, more flexible solutions!
Installation of the new Rhenoprint™ line.
Die GURIT-Worbla/Siegburg verschmilzt in die RHENOFLEX. Von nun an kooperieren C. Krämer und Rhenoflex direkt und damit noch enger miteinander. Für schnellere, flexiblere Lösungen!
Installation der neuen Rhenoprint™ - Anlage